Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

30140 - International relations

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
30140 - International relations
Faculty / School:
179 - Centro Universitario de la Defensa - Zaragoza
457 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Organisational Engineering
563 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Organisational Engineering
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following:


a) Comprehensive reading of the notes and readings proposed by the teacher, to perform at their place of study prior to the hearing in the classroom and for the exam.


b) Teaching exhibition by Professor, highlighting the most relevant aspects of the subject, supported by presentations, photographs, videos, etc. During these sessions, students should express their doubts about the discussion in class or read in place of study.


c) The content of the classes, notes and readings proposed by the teacher will be part of the examination subject if teacher does not says otherwise.


d) Students will take a compulsory group work on a subject chosen by the teacher.


e) International Observatory: throughout the course students (in groups of two or three) should keep track of the news today in a geopolitical area or global thematic assigned by teachers.  There will be a discussion in class in several sessions, on the date specified. This activity may be evaluated in the way that teachers establish and previously communicated to students.



5.2. Learning tasks

In addition to the theoretical classes that will be developed in a participatory manner the themes listed in the program, the subject will be developed:

Group exhibitions on specific topics of International Relations.

Exhibitions and analysis of the international situation, the so-called "international observatory"

Analysis and commentary on news affecting aspects of international relations.

Presentation of individual works.


5.3. Syllabus

The topics that the course is structured are:

T. 1: The evolution of international relations.
T.2: Schools of international relations.
T.3: The actors of international relations (states, international organizations, NGOs, transnational corporations)
T.4: General Theory of international organizations
T.5: UN.
T.6: NATO.
T. 7.a The European Union.
T 7.b The Petersberg missions.
T.8: Other international organizations: OSCE, OAS, AU, Arab League, ASEAN, Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, Eurasian Union.
T.9: The type of operations Peacekeeping.
T.10.a: multinational military structures with Spanish participation.
T. 10.b: Military cooperation programs.
T.11: Concept of Diplomacy and Spanish diplomacy.
T. 12.a: Foreign Policy Spain: foreign affairs and defense diplomacy.
T. 12.b: Foreign Policy Spain: examples (Alliance of Civilizations, Brand Spain).

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule sessions and presentation of works


- Calendar of classroom sessions: according to specific rules to be notified through the Moodle platform.

- Compulsory work: it will be determinade

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

-Algora Weber, Mª D. : Minoría y fronteras en el Mediterráneo ampliado. Un desafío a la seguridad internacional del siglo XXI. Dykinson. 2016.

-Ballesteros, V. : Actores no estatales y responsabilidad internacional del Estado. Bosch. 2016.

-Baylis, J., Smith, S. y Owens, P., (coords.). The Globalization of World Politics. An Introduction to International Relations. Oxford: OUP, 2011

-Bermejo García, R. : La vuelta de Crimea a la Madre Patria, Tirant lo Blanch, 2015.

-Cano Linares, M. A. La actividad del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas en caso de amenaza a la paz / M. A. Cano Linares. Valencia: Tirant, 2011

-Díaz  Fernandez, A. : Concepto fundamentales de inteligencia. Tirant lo Blanch. 2016.

-Díez de Velasco Vallejo, Manuel. Las Organizaciones Internacionales / Manuel Díez de Velasco Vallejo . - 16ª ed. / coordinada por José Manuel Sobrino Heredia Madrid : Tecnos, 2010

-Escribano Úbeda-Portugués J. Lecciones de Relaciones Internacionales. Colección de Relaciones Internacionales Nº1. Ed. Aebius. 2013. ISBN: 849292750X

-Garcandía Garmendia, R. : De los Estados fallidos a los Estados frágiles: un reto para el Derecho Internacional contemporáneo. Comares. 2013.

-Garrido, A. Garantías judiciales y sanciones antiterroristas del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas / A. Garrido. Valencia: Tirant, 2013

-Gauchon, P., Delannoy, S. y Huissoud, J. (coords.). Dictionnaire de géopolitique et de géoéconomie. PUF, 2011

-Gutiérrez Castillo, V. L. y Langa Herrero, A. : Los Conflictos armados en la Era de la Globalización. Edición Parthenon, 2007.

-Hehir, R. Humanitarian Intervention: an introduction. Palgrave MacMillan, 2009

-Jackson, R. y Sorensen, G. Introduction to International Relations. OUP, 2013

-Kruiper, T. : Recursos Naturales, Guerras y Sanciones Internacionales, Tirant lo Blanch, 2014

-La Unión Europea en las Relaciones Internacionales / Barbé, E. (dir.). Madrid: Tecnos, 2014

-La Unión Europea y el multilateralismo eficaz : ¿un compromiso consistente con Naciones Unidas? / Luis N. González Alonso (director) ; Asier Garrido Muñoz (coordinador) . - 1ª ed. Madrid : Iustel, 2011

-Manrique de Luna A. Las Operaciones de Mantenimiento de la Paz de las Organizaciones Internacionales. ISBN: 849031957X

-Martínez Jiménez, A.: El derecho de autodeterminación de los pueblos en el siglo XXI. Tirant lo Blanch

-Petersson, M. : The US NATO Debate.   Bloomsbury Publishing Ltd.  New York 2016,

-Publicaciones periódicas: Vanguardia Dossier, The Economist, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Real Instituto Elcano, IEEE, Le Monde Diplomatique

-Tavares, R. Regional Security. The Capacity of International Organizations. Routledge, 2010

-The United Nations Security Council and War: the evolution of thought and practice since 1945 / Vaughan Lowe ...[et al.] . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010

-Tomás Morales, S. : Retos del Derecho ante las nuevas amenazas., Dykinson, S. L. 2015.

-Una nueva Organización de Naciones Unidas para el siglo XXI / J. M. Beneyto Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 2007

-Uribe Otalora, A. : La política de Seguridad y Defensa de la Unión Europea. Tirant Lo Blanch, 2014

-Zamudio L.: Introducción al estudio de las Organizaciones Internacionales Gubernamentales. Cide. 2014. ISBN: 6077843342